ToolsBaer for NSF to EML Conversion

Painless Migrator for Lotus Notes to EML file

  • Wholesome conversion of NSF files to EML file
  • Migration of demanding Lotus Notes database
  • Thorough export of NSF, its components and attachments
  • Sustain folder sequence prior and after conversion
  • Courseware with lifetime validity and free updates
  • No dropping or disappearance of NSF files or folders
  • Custom saving option as per user's choice
  • Obligation to locate IBM Lotus Notes
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Decorative features of the software

Absolute conversion of targeted NSF database

The great software performs absolute conversion of targeted Lotus Notes files and provide you safe conversion.

Free demo provision

You can check demo version of NSF to EML Conversion software and can convert some files of Lotus Notes in EML file format.

Precise conversion without any destruction

You will always get precise conversion without any damage or less to any of NSF database.

Procedure to choose file destination

You can do the successful conversion of NSF files and have the freedom to choose a particular destination for saving resultant file.

Upgrades for lifespan

You have to pay once for purchasing the software and after that you will get the benefits of the software for lifetime without paying any money.

Sustain full ordering of NSF files

There is no mismanagement of any NSF file and the whole sequence is maintained during conversion of NSF file to EML file format.


No, our tool doesn’t support batch conversion of NSF files to EML.

You can test our software by converting 10 NSF files to EML file format by the demo version of the tool.

No, our software only supports healthy NSF files for export them into EML file format only.

No, there is no need of outlook to perform NSF to EML conversion.


Earlier, in my old organization I used Lotus Notes but after joining a new organization I was assigned to work on Thunderbird. Now I started to look for conversion of NSF file to EML as EML files are widely supported by various email clients. I used NSF to EML Conversion tool that helps in safe migration of Lotus Notes files. Max Daniel, Jamaica

I need to open NSF files in Apple Mail client so started hunting for a good conversion tool and met with NSF to EML Converter tool and have a safe conversion of 500 plus NSF files and the utility resolve all my problems instantly. Thank you team for such a great invention. Arthur Lucas, Latvia

I am so impressed with NSF to EML software free version. I have successfully tested the working of the software by converting 10 NSF files to EML. Then I decided to purchase the full version of the software. I haven’t used such an easy application before this. Theo Logan, Mauritania
